Cannabis: Information your dispensary wants you to have before your visit

 Although it is officially legal, buying cannabis in Little Portugal isn't quite like buying alcohol, as you may have observed. The Marijuana Enforcement Division actively monitors and strictly controls dispensaries. These limitations have an impact on the customer's experience even if they're not always obvious. Before your coming (or initial) visit, the dispensary wants you to be aware of the following.

Why must I always show my ID?

You must be at least 19 years old and present a valid ID to visit a cannabis dispensary in Canada and make a purchase. While entering the building, these same restrictions will be in effect if plants or products are visible from the lobby. Nomade Cannabis is unable to permit anyone under the age of 19 to be in the lobby since we have marijuana goods on display.

What is the maximum cannabis quantity that can be bought legally in Canada?

For it, are you prepared? Everywhere in Canada, 30 grams of cannabis are acceptable for personal use, transportation, and sharing (with other adults, of course). Think approximately 60 to 75 pre-rolled joints if you're having trouble visualizing how much that is. That might cost anything between 160 and 400 Canadian dollars, depending on where you are in the nation.

What age is it legal to smoke?

The majority of Canadian jurisdictions have set a legal age of 19 as the minimum for buying and using marijuana. The minimum age in Quebec was raised to 21 by the newly elected administration, while Alberta's legal drinking age is 18.


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