Who can have laser hair removal?

 Anyone who has excessive body hair may have it removed with lasers. Typically, it is cosmetic surgery. Your looks or sense of self might improve. A lot of folks also favor not shaving frequently.

There are times when Laser Hair Removal Allenby treats excessive hair growth caused by:

Hirsutism is when women grow coarse, black hair in areas of their bodies that are ordinarily covered in hair.

Men and women who have hypertrichosis have abnormal body hair growth. Some drugs, such as anabolic steroids and birth control pills, may cause these symptoms.

hormone abnormalities, particularly when androgen or testosterone levels are excessive.

diseases and conditions that occur in families and are passed genetically.

Ovarian polycystic syndrome (PCOS).

Hormone-producing tumors.


The most favourable candidates for laser hair removal have thick, black hair and fair complexion. Since the colour of the skin and hair contrast, the hair may absorb heat more easily. For people with dark skin or blonde, grey, white, or red hair, it may not be as beneficial.

Who cannot get rid of their hair with a laser?

Consult your doctor before undergoing Microneedling Allenby.

Are you using certain drugs, such as treatments for acne?

Possess keloid scars (raised scars).

Possess skin cancer or have had it.

How should I prepare for laser hair removal?

Avoid tanning booths and the sun as much as possible in the weeks before your treatment. Skin tanned intentionally or naturally can have negative effects from laser hair removal.



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