What is laser hair removal?

 A method for removing unwanted body hair is Laser Hair Removal West London. No skin scars are required because it is non-invasive. Anybody portion may be given this therapy, although the face is the most specific location.

• Underarms.

• The bikini area or any region where the pubic hair grows.

• Back.

• Legs.

How does removing hair with a laser work?

Selected photothermolysis is the process used to remove hair with lasers. The heat destroys cells with a lot of pigment from a laser (colour). Dark hair absorbs the most significant heat, just as it has a lot of pigment. Hair prevents hair from growing by transferring heat to the follicles and destroying them.

A hair follicle should be in the anagen, or Hydra Facial West London, stage for the procedure to be beneficial. Due to the fact that the stages of the follicles change throughout time, the majority of patients need several laser therapies.

Who is eligible for laser hair removal?

Anyone who has excessive body hair could have it removed with lasers. Typically, it is cosmetic surgery.

When women have rough, black hair where men typically have hair, it's known as hirsutism, and it can be treated with laser hair removal.

Hypertrichosis is when men or women grow excess hair everywhere on their bodies.

Some drugs, such as anabolic steroids and birth control pills, may cause these symptoms.

• Imbalances in hormones, particularly elevated amounts of androgens or testosterone.

• Genetically transmitted illnesses or conditions that run-in families.

• Ovarian polycystic syndrome (PCOS).

• Hormone-producing tumours.



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